Vassar faculty handbook
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The faculty and chairs of departments should take notice of several The Faculty Handbook details the appropriate information due for each review. The Office of the Dean of the Faculty is the academic administrative office of the college and the personnel office of the faculty. Handbooks and Forms. Governance and Handbook. The Governance of Vassar College · 2021/22 Faculty Handbook. Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Manual. Recently, the faculty of Vassar College endorsed General Education Student Learning Goals, found in The Student Handbook, which is available online. Detailed information that pertains to your work at Vassar appears in the Faculty Handbook and Vassar College Governance. Onboarding. As a new faculty member, In accepting employment at Vassar, you join a community committed to a continuing tradition of educational excellence. A goal of the College is that employees Handbooks and Contracts. Administrator Handbook · Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between Vassar College and the Communications Workers Of America Detailed information that pertains to your work at Vassar appears in the Faculty Handbook and Vassar College Governance. When you arrive at Vassar, ( LBH ) ED 121 131 HE 007 269 Vassar College Faculty Handbook . Vassar Coll . , Poughkeepsie , N.Y. Pub Date Sep 75 Note - 60p .
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